Sunday, March 1, 2009

Braedon has a baby sister!!!

Gabriella Michelle Goes was born right at 9:00 am on February 27, 2009. She weighed exactly 7 pounds and was 20 inches long. We are very excited that she decided to keep the numbers simple and rounded off. Braedon was very excited to meet Gabriella. When Braedon arrived at the hospital we brought him to the nursery to see his sister. We put her in the bassinet and Braedon pushed her up the corridor to our room.

Braedon is not quite used to saying Gabriella just yet but he loves to refer to her as his baby sister.

When we finally got to the room Braedon was so excited to see his sister that he almost climbed into the bassinet.

Soon though Braedon was rocking his sister back to sleep.

Gabriella getting a big kiss from Mom.

Here are two videos of Braedon holdings his sister:

Only Braedon thinks that she is heavy.



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